Genre:Brutal Technical Death Metal
Formed in:1997
Status:активный статус
Current line-up
Vitaliy Glushko (2008-) - Vocals (Mortem (Rus))
Denis - Guitar (Impurity)
Dmitri - Guitar (Impurity)
Roman Senkin - Bass (Catharsis (Rus), End Zone)
Max (2008-) - Drums (session member) (No Emotions)
Former/past member(s)
Alexander (Nastroma)
Ilya "Gastrolith" (Live) (Murk Exorbitance)
Butch (on "Catacomb Abattoir")
Andrey Ischenko (Rogatye Trupoedy, RD, Stigmatic Chorus, Kartikeya, Crystal Abyss, Viper Inc., Scream in Darkness, Catharsis (Rus), Hieronymus Bosch, Mortem (Rus), Hatecraft (Rus), Shadow Host, Symbol, End Zone, Valkyria (Rus) (Live), Dreaming Soul, Ashen Light, Scartown, Esgharioth, Kalevala (Rus))
Additional notes
The band used to be named Foetal Carnage before changing to Scrambled Defuncts.
Catacomb Abattoir Full-length, 1998
Scrambled Defuncts / Blasphemer / Humanity Fucked to Gore Split, 2003
Pre-natal Whittling EP, 2003
Hackled in Gore Full-length, 2005
Souls Despising the God Full-length, 2009